Forge Barbecue Co. is all about community. Few things bring people together like the experience of handcrafted, wood-fired barbecue. It transcends cultural, regional and socioeconomic boundaries, enabling those with means and those without to share a table, breaking down walls to build stronger communities. That's how we see it, anyway.
We started cooking traditional barbecue for our friends and family as a way to build personal relationships. It opened up conversations where people were able to share their lives with those they wouldn't normally interact with. It worked so well that people began asking us to cook for their own gatherings, and eventually requesting to learn how to cook barbecue themselves. In 2017 we launched Tulsa Barbecue School as a way to share that knowledge with others. Along the way we've racked up quite a few barbecue competition walks and wins, participated in various barbecue societies, and built a great network of pitmasters, restaurants and personalities that we're honored to share a passion with.
We continue to regularly host gatherings, teach others, and provide handcrafted barbecue for various events. Regardless of where it all takes us, we'll continue to strive for the same goal: to use the tool of barbecue to build community.